The Radford family, known for their TV show 22 Kids and Counting, have built up a substantial fortune over the years and have secured themselves an impressive estimated net worth. As they prepare to welcome another member to Britain's biggest family, they've made it clear that they don't rely on state benefits.

Sue and Noel Radford, are set to become grandparents again as their eighth daughter, Katie, has announced she's expecting a baby boy with her long-term partner. With an army to feed and support, there's often been speculation about how the parents manage financially with such a large family and their impressive £1 million home.

Radford Family
The Radford Family have secured themselves an impressive net worth

However, the Radfords have amassed a significant net worth without any reliance on government support, from their work as influencers and TV stars to their successful Radford's Pie Company. Let's explore the amazing net worth of Noel and Sue Radford, and why Sue, a mum-of-22, doesn't consider her family wealthy...

Successful Pie Business

Since 1999, Noel and Sue have been running the Morecambe-based Radford's Pie Company, which has turned out to be quite profitable. While we can't estimate gross profit without knowing the exact production costs, various sources suggest the shop has made sales of £9.2 million, reports the Mirror.

Sue and Noel Radford
The Radfords have done very well for themselves

In one episode of their show, Noel shared that he'd made £2.5 million from the pie shop since it first opened. However, it hasn't always been easy.

Like many other business owners, Noel and Sue faced challenges during lockdown. In December 2020, they had to temporarily close their shop after Noel contracted coronavirus, which hit them 'quite hard'.

Sue from the Radford family shared on their YouTube channel: "We've had to close, we can't keep it open as Noel and Chloe are in the bakery baking the pies. Chloe has had to isolate with us so we've had to close. It's a massive nightmare really. It's the busiest time of the year and we can't get orders in. We've not got any income coming in from the shop. It's going to hit quite hard to be honest."

Sue Radford
Sue has had to defend herself over accusations of 'wasting money'

In 2021, they even had to stop taking orders on their business website because too many people wanted their delicious pies! Noel said sorry on Facebook, as he wrote: "This week alone we have sent out over 500 orders of pies and still more to go. We hope you can bear with us but trust me we are working day and night to get things done."

But don't worry, now everything is fine again, and everyone can order lots of tasty pies like steak and stilton or cheese and onion for home delivery.

Impressive Net Worth

The Radfords also make money by teaming up with brands on social media and are said to have accumulated a net worth of £975,000. But the couple don't see themselves as rich.

When asked if they were wealthy, Sue quickly said: "Absolutely not, we're definitely not secret millionaires. To me rich would be having the big mansion, the flash cars and quite a few hundred thousand in the bank, to me that would be rich but we are not that."

The Radford family
Noel and Sue don't see themselves as wealthy

Hitting Back

The Radfords have had to stand up for themselves against trolls who accuse them of 'extravagant' spending. Haters once criticised the £749 Emma mattress Sue bought for one of her daughters as a 'disgusting waste of money', telling them to 'remember where you came from and start giving back instead of flaunting your 'wealth''.

Sue hit back at the criticism, and said: "Oh I do, we've worked extremely hard to get to where we are now. I think people forget that we don't just have our bakery, we also work very hard on our media company and filming for our new program just like lots of other 'influencers'. I hate that word but most YouTubers don't also run a very successful business."

The couple has also said they don't spoil their children, with Sue previously telling YouTube followers: "I don't think we spoil our kids. I think that we try and give them a good life. I don't feel like we spoil them like they don't get gifts all the time. They get gifts when it's their birthday and Christmas but they certainly don't get gifts all the time."

Sue and Noel Radford
Parents of 22 Sue and Noel make sure their kids pay their way

Keeping Kids Humble

Sue and Noel Radford have a big family with kids Chris, 34, Sophie, 30, Chloe, 28, Jack, 26, Daniel, 24, Luke, 23, Millie, 22, Katie, 21, James, 20, Ellie, 18, Aimee, 17, Josh, 16, Max, 15, Tillie, 13, Oscar, 12, Casper, 11, Hallie, eight, Phoebe, seven, Archie, six, Bonnie, five, and Heidie, three.

They don't want their grown-up kids to leave home until they're ready and can afford their own place. Sue said: "We've always said if you want to buy somewhere, rent is dead money so we would rather you saved that money up and stayed at home for a bit longer. But me and Noel believe they should pay board, if they are earning we've always been brought up to pay board."